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Sunday, May 7, 2017

Seduction- Part 1 by Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye

Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye

Memorise: …when ye sin… against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ. 1 Corinthians 8:12. Scripture: Isaiah 3:16-25, 1 Timothy 2:9-10
Sexual seduction distorts perception with a heavy dose of deception. It allures. It titillates and excites sexual sensibilities with a promise of instant gratification without consequences. The source is usually visual. The premise is always false. It destroys.
Seductive Tools

Sexual desire can be stirred up. Sometimes the handle is exposure of naked flesh or emphasis on the natural shape and contours of the human shape, leaving very little to imagination. It forces itself into people’s consciousness everywhere— on the road, at work, even in church.
Raw pornography is a billion dollar industry thriving in every region of the world.
The fashion, film and advertisement industries are often invaded by the demons of adultery and fornication. A feeling of over-confidence and innate immunity only renders the individual vulnerable. The old religion admonishes us to avoid, flee, flee and flee. The admonition is still the best strategy, even in the digital age, where new tools, routes and windows have opened up in cyberspace. The first seeing can be involuntary and accidental. The second look is always intentional. A long stare is always a willing entrapment that leaves the subject ensnared in mental adultery. Embarrassment and shame is a sure by-product, Gen.2: 25; Ex.20: 26; Matt.5: 28; James 1:13; 1 Sam.16: 7; Mk.7: 19-26; Prov.10: 10; Prov.6: 13.

God was the first person to cover man’s nakedness, Gen.3: 7, 21. The primary purpose of dressing is to cover nakedness. Sometimes, rags are used to express loud wrong fashion statements. Commercial sex workers are known by their near nakedness. Our dressing must not induce immoral thoughts, Isa.3: 16-24; Prov.6: 17; Ezek.16: 50. Improper dressing is a major hindrance and distraction to evangelism.

Sex is not one of the basic necessities of life. Air, water and food is all we require for sustenance, 1 Cor.14: 40; 1 Cor.6: 12; 1 Cor.8: 8-9; 1 Cor.9: 19-23. Samson was led to believe he must have sex here and now, while Joseph fled at a time, when he was young and the sex hormones were at their strongest. You can follow the footsteps of either. The Lord will bless you with self-control and temperance in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

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