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Friday, February 15, 2019

Doomed heroin addict poses beside grandma’s coffin…10 months before drugs put her in casket

A heroin addict posed for a photo beside her grandma’s coffin – 10 months before she was pictured in her own casket at the same church after being killed by drugs.

Lexus Fulton, 21, is in the same church wearing the same pink shirt in both haunting pictures – which her sister, Chrystal Charlesworth, focused on to show how quickly opioid addiction ruins lives.

’10 year challenge? Let’s talk about a (almost) 10 MONTH challenge.’ Charlesworth, 24, wrote on the Facebook post.

The first photo was taken at the sisters’ grandmothers funeral in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania in March 2018.

‘In both pictures my sister, Lexus, is in the exact same church room, wearing the exact same shirt, and laying in the exact same kind of casket my grandmothers in,’ Charlesworth wrote.

‘Little did I know that when I took the first picture of my inappropriately hilarious, charismatic little sister that it would end up having such a surreal meaning behind it just a few short months later.’

Charlesworth said her sister was able to maintain her sobriety at her grandmother’s funeral – although she was addicted to opioids and was arrested for possessing drugs.

Fulton’s mother even got her daughter jailed by telling her probation officer that she admitted to using heroin in desperate attempt to get her daughter clean.

‘Lexus abided willingly because she genuinely wanted the help and I truly believe in my heart that she wanted to stay clean,’ Charlesworth wrote.

Fulton waited in prison for a bed to open up in a rehabilitation center, where she was transferred in August, her sister said.

She completed three months of rehab and therapy before returning home. Her family was overjoyed – but that happiness was short lived.

‘My family and I were SO excited and happy to have her back, as she was to be home,’ Charlesworth said.

”My sister would have only 37 full days left with us. On the 38th day she would die of a heroin overdose. Out of those 38 days she only used for three of them. It only took THREE days of using again.’

‘It only took one last hit for her body to go into cardiac arrest and ultimately cause her to take her last breath. My sister died somewhere between 5:40AM-6:00AM (December 8). She was to be home at 7AM, just an hour later.’ she continued.

Charlesworth said the reason she was sharing the photos, which some would consider ‘uncomfortable,’ was because she wanted to bring attention to opioid addiction.

‘Opioid addiction is a national crisis! It is an epidemic! In one single hour, eight people will die from an opioid overdose,’ she said.

‘Will someone you love be one of those unlucky eight? Will YOU be one of them? I know I never thought I’d be someone who had to go through the reality of burying someone I love due to this issue. And I hate that more people will have to going forward. Please, use my sister as an example. Use her story to fear taking that next hit or use it as motivation to confront your loved one about their addiction.’

The post was shared more than 23,000 times since it was first published in January – although it has received some criticism from people who have claimed it is insensitive.

‘I’ve gotten a lot of comments calling me (and my sister) a weirdo, insensitive, and disrespectful, for the pictures I posted of her a few days ago,’ Charlesworth wrote in a separate post.

‘Imagine being so uptight and sensitive that you judge people you don’t know a thing about over a photo because YOU’RE offended by it…I refuse to be a part of the many who allow this epidemic to be shoved in the dark and pretend like it doesn’t exist.’

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