
Plenty Talk

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Thursday, February 14, 2019

Opposition parties call for Friday nationwide protest against Onnoghen’s CCT arraignment

The Coalition of United Political Parties (CUPP) has called for a nationwide protest against the planned arrest and prosecution of the suspended Chief Justice of Nigeria, Walter Onnoghen.

The group has fixed Friday for the protest to coincide with the day the CJN would be arraigned before the Code of Conduct Tribunal, after the police and the Department of State Services ( DSS ) must have obeyed the CCT order for his arrest.

Imo Ugochinyere, who is the spokesman of the Coalition in a statement on Wednesday, said the CCT, being influenced by the federal government, made the move to intimidate the judiciary and divert attention from the issues of sheer incompetence peculiar to the present administration.

He said, “It is ridiculous that a government that has been promising free and fair elections can be planning to arraign the country’s CJN on Friday, 24 hours to the country’s presidential election.

“We see this as a last minute effort to divert attention, confuse Nigerian voters and cover the President’s incompetence few hours to the election.

“It is also an attempt to divert attention from electoral violence being planned by the ruling All Progressives Congress.

“We, therefore, call for a mass protest across the 36 states of the federation on Friday, being the day scheduled for the arraignment of the CJN.

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