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Friday, February 15, 2019

'The bright lights of television don't make us immune': TV reporter Julie Snook reveals her battle with chronic endometriosis - and the damaging toll it's taken on her mental health

Channel Nine television reporter Julie Snook has revealed the chronic health battle that has impacted her both mentally and physically for the past 12 years.

In a post for 9Honey , the 31-year-old said she has been suffering from Endometriosis, since first being diagnosed at age 19.
Endometriosis is a condition affecting women's reproductive organs, and occurs when tissue, similar to the lining of the uterus, grows outside and can cause pain and infertility.
Julie explained the debilitating nature of the disorder that has seen her have 12 surgeries to date.

'I tried to run a bath and found myself unable to move on the bathroom floor,' Julie recalled of a typical day living with the condition.

Julie explained how heat packs and pain killers have become her 'normal' since first being diagnosed at age 19.

She went on to recall having gone through numerous scans, ultrasounds and examinations prior to her diagnosis, after having experienced growing abdominal pain.

Julie joked that she has become a 'frequent flyer' when it comes to hospital visits, having had 12 surgeries to date.

Surgery involves doctors using a telescope to cut into the abdomen, to determine where the Endometriosis is, and if so, remove it.

'It all sounds straight forward, but I promise you, as wonderful as technology and doctors are, it's painful. And takes weeks to recover,' Julie said.

Julie also went into detail about the psychological impact of having Endometriosis, including having to miss social and family gatherings and considering the possibility of not being able to fall pregnant.

'Internally, the scarring is extreme. Externally, I'm just as damaged,' Julie admitted before going on to say that despite her public persona, 'the bright lights of television and filters of Instagram, don't make us immune.'

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